January 2025

At Alliance CaRES, we believe caregivers thrive when connected to each other, practical resources, and the broader community.
Below you will find all CaRES’ offerings for next month. Beyond the initial summary are in-depth explanations of each program or event.
All groups, trainings and events are open to all families under the umbrella term of “caregiver.” Whether you are a relative (also called kinship), foster, fictive kin, guardianship, or adoptive parent, we are here for you.
Statewide Events
Big, Baffling Behaviors Book Club: Introduction – Mondays, Jan. 6 & 13 at 5:30 p.m.
Big, Baffling Behaviors Book Club: Continuing – Monday, Jan. 27 at 5:30 p.m. (continued into February)
Littlest Lives & Their Big Needs: Parenting 0-2 – Thursdays, Jan. 9, 16, & 23 at 10:00 a.m.
Practical Parenting Skills for Caregivers – Thursdays, Jan. 9 & 16 at 6:00 p.m.
Boundaries as Self Care – Monday, Jan. 13 at 7:00 p.m.
FASD Book Club – Mondays, Jan. 13, 20, and 27 at 2:00 pm
Fostering as Part of a Team – Monday, Jan. 20, Tuesday, Jan. 21, and Wednesday, Jan 22 at 5:30 p.m.

Local Events
Moses Lake: Saturday, Jan. 18th from 10:00 a.m. – Noon
Wenatchee Valley: Tuesday, Jan. 14th from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Tri-Cities: Thursday, Jan. 9th from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Ellensburg: Wednesday, Jan. 8th from 3:30 – 6:00 p.m. (Early Learning Coalition Event)
Seattle: Sunday, Jan. 19th from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Pierce County: Friday, Jan. 17th from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
E-Learning & Webinars
Find our extensive catalog of E-Learnings and webinars for kinship and foster parents at RiseWithTheAlliance.org.

CaRES Mentors are always available to provide peer support. Request a Mentor contact at AllianceCaRES@uw.edu.
Statewide Events
Topic Support Group (TSG)
Caregivers say they wish they could get training credit for talking with other kin caregivers and foster parents. CaRES Topic Support Groups are the answer! Caregivers participate in a topic-based conversation guided by a CaRES Mentor. There are a wide range of topics to help caregivers build the skills and strategies they need through peer experience and Mentor guidance. All topic support groups provide an Alliance training certificate.
Special Events
TBRI: “How not to flip your lid when your kid is flipping theirs”
Tuesday, Jan. 14 at 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Speaker: Sherry Colomb
Do you have a child who has a hard time regulating their emotions? Part of Emotional regulation is feeling safe and supported. Join us to discover how to help your child regulate and deal with confusing emotions and learn Parenting Strategies that can help you work with your child to feel more connected and protected as they struggle through this process.
Story Time: I’m the boss of my body boundaries!
Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Ages: 3 to 8 years old
Join us for “I’m the boss of my body boundaries!” We will be reading “Body Boundaries Make Me Stronger” by Elizabeth Cole and “Teach Your Dragon Body Safety” by Steve Herman. Zoom link coming soon!
Gaining Support During Stressful Situations
Monday, Jan. 27 at 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Speaker: Camille Hereth
In this workshop you will get hands on tools to easily apply at home and work to help identify your main stressors and learn how to offset them. You will learn easy to apply ways to resource yourself daily and how to regularly apply these techniques during times of high stress.
Region 1
Wenatchee Valley Family Fun at the Arcade
Tuesday, Jan. 14 at 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Join your CaRES Community Connector, Jenny, who is hosting a fun evening at The Dragon’s Lair Arcade in East Wenatchee. Join in the fun on January 14th from 6-8 p.m. Bring the whole family! While the kids play, adults will have a chance to meet one another and share resources and support. Pizza will be provided for all! Families should plan to pay for their own games, but if you need financial support to play, please let Jenny know at the time of RSVP.
We ask families to RSVP so we can plan pizza for everyone. Do that by emailing Jenny at careswenatchee@gmail.com or texting her at 509-670-9411.
Moses Lake Community Group
Saturday, Jan. 18 at 10:00 a.m.
CaRES Community Connector, Lori, hosts a monthly breakfast for caregivers across Central Washington to gather, socialize and support one another. This group is open to all caregivers of DCYF-involved children including kinship and licensed foster families. If you have finalized guardianship or adoption, we’d love to have you, too! The group is ever evolving, so feel free to drop in for one month, or many.
This ongoing support group meets regularly on the Third Saturday of every month. Meet us at 10am on Saturday, January 18th for breakfast at Red Door Cafe in Moses Lake, located at 202 W 3rd Avenue. Red Door has graciously offered regular use of their private room for the group. We ask that only adults attend and plan to pay for their own coffee or meal, although a purchase is not required to attend. Please let Lori know if you plan to attend breakfast by emailing moseslakecares@gmail.com or by texting her at 206-850-4464.
Region 2
Kittitas County Books & Connection for Caregivers
Wednesday, Jan. 8 at 3:30 – 6:00 p.m.
The Early Learning Coalition hosts Free Activities and books for Parents & Children 0-5 years (older siblings welcome). There will be lots of great activities, free books, and educational tools. This month’s theme is all about Dinosaurs!
CaRES Community Connector, Heidi, will be attending and would love to meet you at this event. Heidi is a foster parent and offers support and connection to other foster, kinship, adoptive and guardianship families just like yours. Located at Hal Holmes Community Center in Ellensburg on Wednesday, January 8th, between 3:30 – 6:00 p.m. Drop in at your convenience.
Actividades gratuitas para los padres y los hijos de 0-5 años. Los Hermanos mayores son bienvenidos. El primer miérocoles de cada mes. Abierto entre las horas 3:30pm-6:00pm.
If you’d like to connect with Heidi about this event email her at: ellensburgcares@gmail.com.
Tri-Cities Caregivers’ Meet-Up
Thursday, Jan. 9 at 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
CaRES is bringing in-person support to caregivers across the Columbia Basin! Join CaRES Community Connector and fellow foster mom, Rebecca, for a monthly meet up. This group is open to all caregivers of DCYF-involved children including kinship and licensed foster families. If you are licensed with a CPA, we’d love to have you, too. The group is ever evolving, so feel free to drop in for one month or many.
This ongoing support group meets regularly on the second Thursday of every month. Join Rebecca at 7pm on Thursday, January 9th for community and conversation about all things fostering. In the interest of attendees’ time, the group ends no later than 9pm. The group meets at the Yoke’s Deli in Richland, located at 454 Kenne Rd. We ask that only adults attend, although bringing babies along is welcome. Let Rebecca know you’re coming by emailing carestricities@gmail.com or by texting her at 509-492-2185.
Region 3
Community Connector, Sarah, hosts fun events throughout the year. There is no meeting in January but check out CaRES social media announcements and the webpage for regional and statewide happenings: Regional Support – Region 3 – Alliance CaRES
Region 4
Seattle Caregiver’s Support Group
Sunday, Jan. 19 at 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Join adoptive parent and CaRES Lead Mentor Lisa for support and connection from 2:30-4:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 19th, at Mt. Baker Park Presbyterian Church (directions here).
We know that driving across the city can be a daunting task, and we think you’ll feel rewarded by the time spent surrounded by others who “get it” and can help you through the challenges of raising kids and navigating the system. This group meets monthly and is open for all kinship, relatives, and foster families to come together in a safe and supportive environment. Foster parents awaiting placement are also welcome. Light snacks will be provided. Children and teens are welcome, but RSVP is required to confirm childcare availability. Contact Lisa about this support group by emailing her at southseattlecares@gmail.com.
Mt. Baker Park Presbyterian Church is located at: 3201 Hunter Blvd. South, Seattle. Please enter through the door on the west side of the building, on 37th Avenue S. While the church has graciously provided space for this event, the group has no religious affiliation, and all families are welcome to attend.
Region 5
Pierce County Caregivers’ Tea
Friday, Jan. 17 at 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Tea and Snacks await you at this month’s gathering of area foster and kinship caregivers. Join your CaRES Community Connector and foster parent, Dorris, to meet other families like yours, share resources, and get support from one another. Meet us on Friday, January 17th from 10 – 11:30 a.m. at Lake City Community Church (8810 Lawndale Ave SW Lakewood). There is no childcare at this time. This is a chance to share your fostering experience with others who ‘get it’ and to be connected to the information and resources you need to thrive in your journey.
While the church has graciously provided space for this event, the group has no religious affiliation, and all families are welcome to attend. We hope to see you!
Region 6
The Clark County Support group is taking a break in January, see you again in February!
We have a new Community Connector who will be hosting community groups and events soon in the Grey’s Harbor County area. Keep an eye out for email and social media announcements with the date, time, and location. Regional Support – Region 6 – Alliance CaRES
We believe caregivers thrive when connected to each other, practical resources, and the broader community. Refer a caregiver for a personal Mentor contact at AllianceCaRES@uw.edu.
Find the December 2024 CaRES Newsletter here.