September 2024

At Alliance CaRES, we believe caregivers thrive when connected to each other, practical resources, and the broader community.

Below you will find all CaRES’ offerings for next month. Beyond the initial summary are in-depth explanations of each program or event.

All groups, trainings and events are open to all families under the umbrella term of “caregiver.” Whether you are a relative (also called kinship), foster, fictive kin, guardianship, or adoptive parent, we are here for you.

Statewide Events

Special Event: Suicide Prevention 101 – Wednesday, Sept. 4 at 6:00 p.m.
Special Event: Back to School We Go – Monday, Sept. 23 at 6:00 p.m.
Special Event
*When there is more than one session the starting date is listed. 

Local Events

Wenatchee Community Group – Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 6:30 p.m.
Moses Lake Community Group – Saturday, Sept. 21 at 10:00 a.m.
Community Group
Community Group
Community Group
Community Group
Community Group

E-Learning & Webinars

Find our extensive catalog of E-Learnings and webinars for kinship and foster parents at For the September Caregiver Training Schedule click here

CaRES Mentors are always available to provide peer support. Request a Mentor contact at

Statewide Events

Topic Support Group (TSG)
Caregivers say they wish they could get training credit for talking with other kin caregivers and foster parents. CaRES Topic Support Groups are the answer! Caregivers participate in a topic-based conversation guided by a CaRES Mentor. There are a wide range of topics to help caregivers build the skills and strategies they need through peer experience and Mentor guidance. All topic support groups provide an Alliance training certificate.

Special Events

Suicide Prevention 101
Wednesday, Sept. 4 at 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Suicide Prevention 101 provides an overview of the topic of suicide, signs and symptoms, and how caregivers should respond in times of crisis. The training will dive into the rates of youth suicide, risk factors, and proactive steps to take for prevention. 
Presented by Nathan LaChine, Coordinated Care 

"Feedback from training this month."
TSG Participant

Region 1

Wenatchee Valley Community Group
Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. 
CaRES and Community Connector, Jenny, invites you to get support from other foster parents and kinship caregivers in the Wenatchee area. This group meets in-person on the third Wednesday each month and would be even better with your participation.

Sometimes caregiving can feel isolating, scary and challenging but with this group, know that you are not alone. This month, join the group at the Wenatchee Valley YMCA from 6:30-8pm on Wednesday, September 18th. Childcare is not yet available, but children of all ages are welcome. The meeting room can have fluctuating temperatures, so dress in layers for maximum comfort.  

Let Jenny know you’re coming by texting her at 509-670-9411 or by emailing  

Moses Lake Community Group
Saturday, Sept. 21 at 10:00 a.m.
Join caregivers, just like you, for breakfast! CaRES Community Connector Lori invites you to join foster, kinship, guardianship, and adoptive parents from across Central Washington as they share resources and support one another. This ongoing support group meets monthly on the Third Saturday of each month. Join us this month on Saturday, September 21st at 10:00 a.m. to socialize over breakfast at a local diner in Moses Lake. We ask that only adults attend and plan to pay for their coffee or meal, although families are not required to order anything to attend. For attendees’ privacy, please text or email Lori for the meeting location. Lori can be reached at 206-850-4464 or If you’re a regular participant, we will meet in the same place as usual! 

We believe caregivers thrive when connected to each other, practical resources, and the broader community. 

Refer a caregiver for a personal Mentor contact at

The Alliance CaRES offices are closed Monday, September 4th, in observance of Labor Day. Thank you caregivers, social workers, and staff for all you do to care for families, youth, and children!