
We're here to support you

Get connected with your local caregiver community through Alliance CaRES. Click here to navigate to our home page, where you can select your county and begin building your network of support. 


Free and Discounted Resources for Foster and Kinship Caregivers

Most of these are available to foster and kinship families, some require proof of caregiver status, usually in the form of a foster care license. This is noted whenever we are aware of it. The Alliance CaRES program does not support or endorse any of the listed items; they are compiled for your convenience. We make every effort to keep these up-to-date, if you know of a correction or an item not listed, please let us know by emailing notifycares@uw.edu

Check out our resource page, or visit your region’s webpage, for places in your area that offer discounts or free opportunities or items to families in the care system.

First 30 Days of a Placement

Click here for the First 30 Days Checklist. This handout provides lots of information about how to make the 30 days after placement a smooth transition. 

The Alliance CaRES offices are closed Monday, September 4th, in observance of Labor Day. Thank you caregivers, social workers, and staff for all you do to care for families, youth, and children!