Support Groups
Connect with others who "just get it"!
CaRES offers online Topic-Based Support Groups for facilitated discussion and problem-solving with other caregivers. Our Special Events are online groups that give caregivers the chance to connect around current concerns. Both of these confer training credit.
Community-based groups offer the opportunity for local in-person supportive connections with other caregivers. Our community-based groups include “walk and talks,” coffee meet-ups, park playdates, a craft circle, and more.

Topic Support Groups
We know caregivers feel successful in their journey when they are connected to other caregivers. That is why the Alliance CaRES Topic Support Groups help you learn together with other foster and kinship families to share common challenges, feel heard, and solve problems.
We also offer other learning opportunities through The Alliance for Professional Development, Training, and Caregiver Excellence. Instructional video on Creating a New Account, Logging In, and Resetting Your Password for the Alliance Catalog. You can access a transcript in the right column of the page that will follow along with the video. If you still need help after watching the videos, please feel free to reach out to us at or 206-685-4833.
Big Baffling Behaviors Book Club, Introduction: This 2-week book club is an introduction to the concepts detailed in Robyn Gobbel’s book, “Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors.” The weekly discussions are focused on section one of the book. Throughout the guided conversations, you will have the chance to consider how the neuroscience of behavior can help you better understand your child’s actions and needs. This book club is an encouraging and welcoming space for foster parents and kinship caregivers to engage in foundational learning about trauma, behavior, connection, and regulation. Participants may participate in this group as a mini-book club or as the pre-requisite for the Topic Support Group: Big Baffling Behaviors Book Club, Continued. Register here!
Big Baffling Behaviors Book Club, Continuing: This 4-week book club is an extension of the Topic Support Group: Big Baffling Behaviors Book Club, Introduction. The weekly discussions will cover sections 2 and 3 of Robyn Gobbel’s book, “Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors.” Throughout the guided discussions, you will have the chance to consider how the concepts of the Owl, Watchdog, and Possum brains impact your child’s behaviors, develop parenting strategies tailored to your home, and build your own self-regulation toolkit. This book club is an encouraging and welcoming space for foster parents and kinship caregivers to engage in the next step in peer-to-peer support, problem-solving, and learning facilitated by a TBRI practitioner or CaRES Mentor. Register here!
FASD Trying Differently Rather Than Harder: The CaRES team leads you through a reading and discussion of “Trying Differently Rather Than Harder: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders” by Diane Malbin. This book is a readable, narrative discussion of the neurobehavioral approach to working with children and youth with FASD. The book focuses on understanding behaviors differently through case studies and examples of how FASD impacts everyday life.
During four sessions, you will be discussing themes including: adaptions, common challenges, cognitive changes and strategies to address them, working with memory disruptions, and talking about FASD in a supportive informative manner. Register here!
TBRI The Connected Parent: Join us for another TBRI book club! “The Connected Parent,” by Karyn Purvis and Lisa Qualls is the companion book to the widely popular, “The Connected Child.”
Discussions during the four weekly book club meetings will review TBRI principals and dive into practical parenting applications and real life strategies for understanding attachment, teaching respect, understanding sensory needs, adapting strategies for teens, and taking care of yourself. So you can fully participate in the class, please have access to a copy of the book. You can find “The Connected Parent” on Amazon, at your local library or at local retailers. Register here!
TBRI Connected Therapist Book Club, Relating Through the Senses: This 3-week book club is an extension of the Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) modules or the TBRI book clubs: The Connected Child and The Connected Parent. Based on selections from “The Connected Therapist” by Marti Smith, discussions during the three sessions will focus on understanding sensory processing challenges, developing sensory processing strategies, and the practical application of those strategies in everyday caregiving. This TBRI book club is an encouraging and welcoming space for foster parents and kinship caregivers to engage in a next step in peer-to-peer support, problem-solving, and learning facilitated by a TBRI practitioner.
Caregivers who have completed either both TBRI book clubs or the TBRI modules can register. Register here!
We Hear You! A CaRES Podcast Club: During this 1.5-hour topic support group, you will listen to a 30-minute, trauma-informed podcast from a variety of child welfare, child development, and caregiving experts. After the podcast, you will talk through your questions, aha! moments, and new strategies in a guided conversation with fellow kinship and foster caregivers. Join us for one podcast episode or all of them. Each session provides 1.5 hours of training credit. Register here!
Caregiver Strategies for Holidays and Celebrations: Holidays and celebrations can be a time of family togetherness, but they can also be a time of stress and heightened expectations. It takes intentional planning to give the children in your care a wonderful experience that includes the things that make the holiday or celebration special for everyone.
In this 2-hour supportive facilitated discussion, kinship and foster caregivers will talk with each other about ways to manage the expectations of the child, their family, and your family. You will also talk about how to plan ahead to minimize the emotional challenges that sometimes come with family celebrations. Lastly, you will have an opportunity to create a celebration action-plan that is specific to your family and the child in your home. Register here!
Fostering Across Race, Ethnicity, and Culture: Welcoming a child into your home, even temporarily, means accepting and affirming their whole selves. When a child has a different racial, ethnic, or cultural background than yours, it can be challenging to know the best ways to properly care for their unique physical, spiritual, and cultural needs.
During this facilitated discussion, caregivers will share their racial, ethnic, or cultural perspective and develop strategies for meeting the needs of a child who has a different background or perspective. The discussion will also include some tips and tricks for finding resources, maintaining community connections, and addressing biases in the community.
Facilitated by caregivers with lived experience in transracial and multi-cultural caregiving, this group aims to discuss the full scope of multi-racial, ethnic, and cultural foster families. Register here!
Fostering While Parenting, Supporting Our Biological and Adopted Children: When you have children who live at home with you, becoming a foster parent also means becoming a foster family. Growing up with foster siblings comes with unique challenges but there are strategies you can use to help your bio and adopted kids adapt and thrive!
During both sessions of this supportive facilitated discussion, you will collaborate with fellow caregivers to identify some of the unique challenges bio and adopted kids face, consider the impact fostering may have on your children, and share strategies you can use to nurture strength and resilience as a family unit. Register here!
Using Storytime for Connection and Support: Reading with your children can do much more than support their academic growth! During this supportive facilitated discussion caregivers will discuss strategies they can use before, during, and after reading to build social-emotional learning with the children in their care. Caregivers will also collaborate to identify techniques they can use to increase attachment with their child through reading and story time. Whether it is picture books, a chapter book or a series, reading with the children in your home can lead to deeper attachment and improved social-emotional skills!
Participants will also receive a pdf resource with book lists for various age ranges and topics. Register here!
Navegando el Cuidado de Crianza Como un Cuidador de Habla Hispana
¿Alguna vez ha sentido que su cultura latino/a/x e idioma impacta su experiencia como padre de crianza?
En este grupo de discusión facilitada de apoyo solo para hispanohablantes, tendrá la oportunidad de hablar con otros padres de crianza y parientes como proveedores de cuidados sobre sus experiencias y compartir las suyas. Como grupo, hablarán sobre herramientas y técnicas útiles para navegar por los problemas comunes que enfrentan los cuidadores de habla hispana y utilizarlas para desarrollar estrategias específicamente para su familia.
Esta discusión facilitada de una sola sesión es específicamente para parientes y padres de crianza que consideran el español como su idioma principal. La discusión se lleva a cabo en español y es facilitada por hablantes nativos de español. ¡Registrate aquí!
Supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth in Foster Care: Understanding your child’s identity is critical to providing them the care and support they need to navigate the development years. Children with an LGBTQIA+ identity may need additional support as they navigate extra social and cultural factors. In this supportive facilitated discussion group, you will have an opportunity to talk through LGBTQIA+ terminology and identify concrete tools you can use to support a child’s LGBTQIA+ identity.
During the two facilitated discussion sessions, you can ask questions about support resources, share ways you have supported a child in your care, and hear how other caregivers have navigated situations related to a child’s LGBTQIA+ identity. Register here!
Navigating Fostering as a LGBTQIA+ Caregiver: As an LGBTQIA+ caregiver have you felt that your Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) impacts your fostering journey?
In this supportive facilitated discussion group, you will get a chance to talk with other LGBTQIA+ kinship and foster caregivers about their experiences and share your own. As a group, you will talk about useful tools and techniques for navigating common issues faced by LGBTIA+ caregivers and use these to develop strategies specifically for your family.
This single session facilitated discussion is specifically for kinship and foster caregivers who identify as LGBTQIA+ caring for children with any SOGIE. Register Here!
Littlest Lives and Their Big Needs – Parenting 0 to 2: As a parent of an infant or toddler, the earliest development years are among the most critical to a child’s long-term development. Children under 2 who are in foster care often require supports and approaches that are not so typical for their peers. You will talk through their needs, develop strategies to address those needs, and identify the resources available to help you support the littlest lives in care. You will also be able to build community with other caregivers of kids under 2 to share resources, experiences and problem-solving strategies. Register here!
Parenting in the Digital Age: Ready access to smart phones, tablets, and computers has created a whole new world of challenges for parents of pre-teens and teens. Youth do not need to leave their bedrooms to be introduced to risky situations. And it is challenging for caregivers to know how to guide children to appropriate use while keeping them safe.
During this single session supportive facilitated group, you will talk with fellow caregivers about the challenges of parenting in the digital age. You will learn some warning signs when a child’s internet usage has become unsafe and potentially dangerous. You will discuss basic internet programs, apps, geo tracking data, dangers in sharing pictures, videos, and personal information online. And you will have the opportunity to practice having a conversation about internet safety with your pre-teen or teen. Register here!
Parenting Teens: This facilitated discussion group is a continuation of the seven-part “Parenting Teens” webinar. This group will continue to explore strategies for parenting teens with a history of trauma, developing healthy and supportive relationships with your teen, nurturing their identity, and understanding their challenging behaviors. You’ll work with other parents of teens to develop an action plan that takes into account your and your teen’s unique circumstances and proactively addresses the challenges you face. Register here!
Practical Parenting Skills for Caregivers: It isn’t always easy to meet the complex needs of a child while navigating a new parental role. Foster parenting calls for a trauma-informed, mindful, and positive response to a wide variety of behaviors. You will work with fellow caregivers to develop practical parenting strategies that are trauma-informed, appropriate for the child, and suited to your home. Register here!
Living in Limbo, Awaiting Permanency in Foster Care: The goal of foster care is to reunify the child with their original family, but the journey from placement to permanency can be long and winding. Sometimes it feels like you are all living in limbo between planning and permanency.
During this topic support group, you will talk through the different types of permanency, the emotional challenges of concurrent planning, and some of the ways you can support the child during the waiting. You will also have a chance to consider the supports you need. Lastly, you will create an action plan to help you navigate the unknowns. Register here!
Grief and Loss in Your Fostering Journey: As a caregiver for a child in the foster care system, grief and loss are an inherent part of your journey. You may be grieving a placement that isn’t going as expected or hoped. Even as you celebrate a child’s return home or to an adoptive placement, your family may be grieving the loss of a child or experiencing a sense of loss due to a disrupted placement.
During this supportive facilitated discussion, we will talk about the realities of grief and loss as they relate to the fostering experience. We will share strategies for recognizing grief in yourself, partner, or your children. And we will look at ways to acknowledge the complexities of loss, navigate grief, and share healthy strategies for walking through the grieving process. Register here!
Self-Care for Caregivers: The very best thing you can do for those who depend on you is to take care of yourself. This group will engage in conversations around how to make sure you see how valuable your contribution is, as well as also how demanding it can be. You can talk about challenges you’re facing when thinking about self-care, because real life does sometimes make it hard to prioritize. You’ll work toward developing an action plan that takes into account your unique circumstances and proactively addresses things that might derail your self-supporting activities. Register here!
Boundaries As Self-Care: As a caregiver, the very best thing you can do for those who depend on you is to take care of yourself. This group is an extension of the topic support group “Self Care for Caregivers.”
In this group, you will engage in conversations around how to make sure you see how setting and keeping healthy boundaries allows you to continue doing the valuable work you do while protecting your important relationships. You can talk about challenges you’re facing when thinking about boundaries, because real life sometimes makes it hard to say no or hold to your priorities.
You’ll work toward developing an action plan that takes into account your unique circumstances and proactively addresses things that might make it hard to maintain your identified healthy boundaries. Register here!
Fostering as Part of a Team: As a caregiver for a child in the foster care system, you are part of a parenting team. The courts, social worker, CASA, GAL, medical team, therapists and the child’s biological family all have a role to play. Knowing what your role is and how to partner with the other member of the child’s team improves the child’s care, your experience as a foster parent, and the long-term outcomes of the placement.
During the three sessions, we will talk about who the members of the child’s foster care team are and their roles, and identify ways to promote positive relationships with them. This will include a look at how to support family time and partnership with the biological/first family, understanding the role of DCYF staff, and how to positively partner with them for placement success. You will also identify the opportunities and limitations of the caregiver role in decision-making and planning. Register here!
Special Events
Story Time: I’m the boss of my body boundaries!
Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Ages: 3 to 8 years old
Join us for “I’m the boss of my body boundaries!” We will be reading “Body Boundaries Make Me Stronger” by Elizabeth Cole and “Teach Your Dragon Body Safety” by Steve Herman. Please register to join us by sending an email with your child/rens names to Luanne Marshall at by January 16 if they would like a dragon craft kit to work on during story time.
Mark your calendars! Our 2025 Story Time schedule is here. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about the selected books and activities.
- March 26
- May 28
- July 23
- September 24
- November 19
- December 17
CaRES Special Events
Gaining Support During Stressful Situations
Monday, Jan. 27 at 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Speaker: Camille Hereth
In this workshop you will get hands on tools to easily apply at home and work to help identify your main stressors and learn how to offset them. You will learn easy to apply ways to resource yourself daily and how to regularly apply these techniques during times of high stress.
Special Events: Caregivers – Internet Safety & Warning Signs of Online Grooming
Monday, Feb. 10 at 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Ready access to smartphones, tablets, and computers has created a whole new world of challenges for caregivers. Easy access to devices means that youth do not need to leave their bedrooms to be introduced to risky situations. This training provides a basic overview of commercial sexual exploitation of children, framing the extent of the problem and discussing technology interventions, terminology, pathways, warning signs, and prevention. Participants will receive tools and techniques to manage resistance to boundaries and restraints of technology use.
Special Events: Caregivers – Understanding & Treating Neurodivergence
Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Adverse experiences re-wire brains, especially those of developing youth. How can we understand this and other types of neurodivergence, including the wide range of sensory processing, cognitive, and affective differences we may see? In this discussion, we hope to bring a strength-based approach to support and teach practical management skills to our children, no matter how their brains may process and respond to information.
Special Events: Caregivers – Yearning to be a Young Adult: Teen Resources
Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Youth in foster care face many barriers to daily living and successful outcomes. By partnering with teams who offer existing support’s in a youth’s life, you can help resolve some of those barriers and learn of resources available for the youth in your care. Treehouse offers many services to youth and will be sharing about their Driver’s Assistance Program, their Educational Advocate Program, Launch Success and Graduation Success programs. We will also be hearing from DCYF on the Extended Foster Care (EFC) Program, which is a voluntary program established to support eligible youth ages 18 through 20 in a successful transition to independence.
Wellness Resource Wednesday: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Speaker: Nathan LaChine
This training explains the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study and identifies all 10 ACEs. All childhood experiences have an impact on people as they mature. This training explores the long-term effects that adverse childhood experiences have on physical and mental health. Preventative measures, resiliency, and how to address the needs of children with a high ACEs score are all discussed. Register here!
Education Resource Wednesday
- Working with Foster Care Liaisons in the School System (11/20/24)
- Supporting Behavioral Challenges at School (5/15/24)
- Equitable Access to Education for LGBTQIA2S+ Students (1/17/24)
- Understanding, Accessing, and Supporting Special Education Services (5/17/23)
- Addressing Challenging Student Behavior
- Post-Secondary Resources for Education & Career Planning
- Supporting the Academic Success of Your Student (11/16/22)
- Educational Stability for Students in Foster Care (9/23/22)
Special Events
- Gaining Support During Stressful Situations (1/27/25)
- TBRI: How Not to Flip Your Lid When Your Kids is Flipping Theirs (1/14/25)
- Runaway Prevention (12/5/24)
- Family Team Decision Making Meetings (FTDM) (10/10/24)
- Guardianship and Adoption Support (9/24/24)
- The Value of Early Intervention (5/8/24)
- Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (4/23/24)
- Meeting Essential Connections for African American Children (3/27/24)
- Promoting Physical Health for Children in Foster Care (3/5/24)
- Guardianship & Adoption (2/20/24)
- Informational Session on Opioids, Fentanyl, and Narcan (11/1/23)
- Adoption Support Services
Wellness Resource Wednesday
- Reframing Challenging Behaviors (4/17/24)
- ADHD and the Trauma Brain (2/21/24)
- Sensory Processing Differences (12/20/23)
- Fatigue and Burnout (10/18/23)
- What Caregivers Need to know about Sleep (12/21/22)
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) (8/17/22)
- What Caregivers Need to know about Nutrition and Diabetes (6/15/22)
- What Caregivers Need to know about Asthma (4/20/22)
- ADHD in Foster Care (2/16/22)
In-Person Community Groups
Community groups are a great way for foster parents, relatives, and kinship caregivers to meet one another in a safe and supportive environment. Hosted by a CaRES Community Connector (who are all caregivers themselves), these regular groups offer the opportunity to gain support, expand your network and resources, and spend time with those who “get it.” You might even leave with a connection to a mentor or for respite!
Some community groups meet monthly over a meal while others meet up for a local activity or event. Don’t see one listed in your community? Reach out to us to learn if we can point you to another organization or work with you to build one.